Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Get security updates for Windows

Security updates for Windows can help protect against new and ongoing threats to your privacy and to your computer. The best way to get security updates is to turn on Windows automatic updating and stay informed about security issues. For more information about automatic updating, see Understanding Windows automatic updating. (why update windows automically) With automatic updating, you don't have to search for updates online or worry that critical fixes for Windows might be missing from your computer. Windows automatically checks for the latest updates for your computer. Depending on the Windows Update settings you choose, Windows can install updates automatically or just let you know they're available. For more information, see

Understanding Windows automatic updating

Here are answers to some common questions about updating Windows automatically.

 Why update Windows automatically?

With automatic updating, you don't have to search for updates online or worry that critical fixes for Windows might be missing from your computer. Windows automatically checks for the latest updates for your computer. Depending on the Windows Update settings you choose, Windows can install updates automatically or just let you know they're available. For more information, see Turn automatic updating on or off.

 How do I start updating Windows automatically?

If you didn't turn on automatic updates when you first started using your computer, see Turn automatic updating on or off.

 How much does it cost to update Windows automatically?

There is no charge to you for the Windows Update service. However, depending on how you are billed for your Internet connection, standard local and long distance phone charges and Internet service charges might apply for the time required to download an update.

 How long does it take to download an update?

It depends on the type of Internet connection you have and the size and number of updates your computer needs. Updates are automatically downloaded behind the scenes when you're online and don't interfere with other downloads. If you disconnect, updates will continue to download in the background the next time you go online.

 How does Windows determine which updates my computer needs?

Windows Update contains software tools that detect information about your computer, such as the make and model and the version of Windows and other Microsoft software that your computer is running. Microsoft uses that information to install only the updates your computer needs. For more information, read the Windows Update privacy statement online.


  • To find out how to get updates for Windows and your other Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Office, go to the Microsoft Update website. If you're already using Microsoft Update to get updates for your computer, Windows Update in Control Panel will automatically open and display your update status.

 When are updates downloaded?

Updates are downloaded behind the scenes when you're online and don't interfere with other downloads. If you disconnect from the Internet before an update is fully downloaded, the download process will continue the next time you're online.

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